Apothecary's scale "La Spetiaria Al Cappello", Florence, 1580/1620

Apothecary's scale "La Spetiaria Al Cappello", Florence, 1580/1620

Apothecary's scale in finely decorated forged iron, complete with its two brass plates still joined with their original thread. The scale is kept in its wooden box where it is placed together with its seven finely engraved hexagonal-shaped iron weights, and five rectangular-shaped brass weights essential for its use. Furthermore, there is a spring-loaded tweezers, also made of forged and sculpted iron, which facilitates the gripping of small weights placed in their seats.

The singularity of this Scale, in addition to its completeness and excellent state of conservation, is concentrated above all in its small container box on which the figures of a heraldic lily surrounded by four patent crosses are carved on the lid, while on the front part, the name of an ancient spice shop called the "Spetiaria al Cappello".

Through research carried out in various Italian libraries (inventories of pharmacy manuscripts, documentation etc. etc.) it appears that, on an original document dated from 1605 to 1609 signed by Clemente Riconesi, some developments of the apothecary activity in the shop called "Spetiaria" are reported to the Hat". Furthermore, a certain Dr. Riconesi Anton Maria was authorized to practice the art of "Medici and Apothecaries" in the city of Florence, and his family appears to have been present in the Florentine territory since the 16th century. Therefore, we can state with extreme evidence that it is a scale used in the spice shop called the "Spetiaria al Cappello" located in the city of Florence and managed by the Riconesi family, between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century.

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