Casket or chest in forged iron, engraved, pierced and embossed, Tuscany (Siena or Florence), 1580-1630

Casket or chest in forged iron, engraved, pierced and embossed, Tuscany (Siena or Florence), 1580-1630

Casket or chest made of hand-forged iron, composed of a rectangular structure with bases and columns decorated with small cabochons, which form the frames inside which are placed five panels that make up the lid and the four facades for its entire perimeter. The aforementioned panels are completely engraved, perforated and embossed with repeated shapes with a stylized lily motif. Placed in the center of the front side, a "crumpled" type shield houses the keyhole (present and functioning inside the box) with its original key. On the top of the lid there is a twisted handle, useful for transport; finally, four lion's paw-shaped feet at its corners provide a sturdy and stable support.

The executive characteristics of this casket or chest are reflected in the productions of Tuscan blacksmithing art carried out between the end of the 16th and the middle of the 17th century, probably in the Florentine or Sienese context.

Excellent condition.

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