Madonna with Child, in polychrome wood (Gothic period), circa 1350

Madonna with Child, in polychrome wood (Gothic period), circa 1350

Sculpture of Madonna with Child in polychrome wood, from the Gothic period, dating back to between 1300 and 1350.

Of fine workmanship, the sculpture fully represents the "Mature Gothic" period, or that period where the art of creating sculptures of the Virgin enthroned with the seated Child leaves that image of "rigidity of forms" which throughout the previous Romanesque period accompanied the sculptural artists in representing it.

The Gothic representation of the Virgin in fact, this is one of the first examples where she is represented with the Child on her arm thus becoming "Mother" accessing a beginning of movement of the forms to be seen from all its angles not only frontally with its static nature.

This sculpture was subjected to a delicate restoration operation carried out by an important restorer who, with meticulous and patient cleaning work, removed the various colors applied over the centuries, bringing to light the magnificent original polychromy, giving it back its wonderful old charm.

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