Viscontea Armor, 1600

Viscontea Armor, 1600

Miniature of corselet with "Viscontean" helmet, made from blocks of steely iron, beaten and cast by hand in the forge and then polished. The armor is composed of a 2-piece helmet joined by imperceptible brazing, with a smooth low-ridge beard and a raised, fanned cage-like brim with ventilation slots and eye openings, shoulder pads with pouches, heavily ribbed chest in the middle and greaves with 2-edged margin flap blades, 12-blade crayfish tail stringers and winged kneecaps or cups. Each single piece is joined by meticulously crafted brass rivets. The buckles of the shoulder straps and the one present to join the 2 pouches and the rivets with marginal brass decoration, finish and soften the small armour. Its dimensions are: Height 35 cm, Width at the shoulders 20 cm and Maximum depth 12 cm.

This model of corselet with helmet, made in the last quarter of the 16th century, was part of a small series of scale armor models, with which the master blacksmith intended (through the presentation of them) to be commissioned by important men of arms and nobility of the time, the armor that he would later create in life size to be worn.

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