Binoculars 7x50HT, Carl Zeiss Jena license, circa 1943

Binoculars 7x50HT, Carl Zeiss Jena license, circa 1943

Binoculars 7x50HT produced by Carl Zeiss or by a competing company that acquired the license. Given its internal and external construction characteristics, the slide mechanism for a particular type of sight found only on this binoculars (such as the Zeiss 10x80 80° produced for the Kriegsmarine) and the absence of markings, serial numbers and military assignments, despite the paintwork appears to be original, it can be assumed that it is an experimental prototype evolved from the model shown at the following link, with an obvious difference in the mechanism for select the filters, much simpler, more intuitive and with independent levers. In fact, all you need to do is press lightly on each individual lever (with return spring) and rotate it slightly to select one of the 3 filters (clear, green, orange).

It can also be noted that, on the right side of the binoculars in conjunction with the prism housing, there are 2 inputs with two complex light reflection mechanisms inside, to which two illuminators must be inserted which are useful for illuminating the single vertical line reticle: the one on the right illuminates the ends, while the one below illuminates the central part, therefore, only by using them together will the reticle be completely illuminated.

To conclude this, having also evaluated the type of reticle, it is to be considered an optic installed on assault vehicles, such as Schnellboot equipped with torpedoes, as this type of "vertical line" reticle was used to follow the trajectory of the torpedoes once expelled.

All mechanisms work correctly and the view is perfectly collimated and bright.

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