Binoculars 8x Laboratorio di Precisione - Roma (Italian Royal Army), 1924

Binoculars 8x Laboratorio di Precisione - Roma (Italian Royal Army), 1924

8x binoculars produced by the Precision Laboratory of Rome for the Royal Italian Army, in 1924. On the left plate there are the logo and the manufacturer's brand, as well as the year of production "1924".
On the right plate is the format 8x/100°° 26d L.D. (Diastimometric plate). The focus and interpupillary aperture mechanisms work properly. Vision is perfectly sharp and collimated. It is complete with its original case, also marked "Laboratorio di Precisione Roma" and the Benutzer.
The small number of specimens produced make it one of the few known surviving specimens.

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