Binoculars 8x26 Laboratorio di Precisione Roma, Regio Esercito, 1913

Binoculars 8x26 Laboratorio di Precisione Roma, Regio Esercito, 1913

Binoculars 8x26 produced by the Rome Precision Laboratory for the Royal Italian Army, in 1913.

On the left eyepiece plate there are the manufacturer's logo and brand, as well as the year of production 1913 and the serial number 140. On the right eyepiece plate the royal crown anticipates the writing R. Italian Army with Savoy knot, and the 8x26 s.o. format. (the latter is currently unidentified). The focusing mechanisms are smooth and fluid. The view is perfectly sharp and collimated.

The small number produced of this model, also given by the fact that it was used throughout the First World War, make it one of the few known surviving examples.

History of the Precision Laboratory - Rome:

The Rome Precision Laboratory was located at the Termini station in Rome, and was a workshop with extremely specialized workers in optical-mechanical design and construction, under the control of the Royal Italian Army.

Having been a company under strict military control, very little clear and certain information has reached us. Of course, thanks to testimonies and reports from the time, we know that this company suffered a very heavy bombing by the Americans in 1943 in which 1,600 people were killed. people and for which reason all the paper documentation was destroyed.

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