Binoculars 8x30 "La Filotecnica" Salmoiraghi, Italian Royal Army, 1930

Binoculars 8x30 "La Filotecnica" Salmoiraghi, Italian Royal Army, 1930

8x30 binoculars produced by “La Filotecnica Ing. Salmoiraghi S.A. Milano" for the Royal Italian Army in the year 1930, as engraved on the part of the right eyepiece, under the number of magnifications (8x30). The Roman numeral "IX" indicates the ninth year of the Fascist era, while "L.D" means "Diastimometric plate".
This diastimometric plate, divided into thousandths, allows you to estimate the distance of an observed object.
The plate makes use of the site rule according to which "1 thousandth is the angle at which a 1 meter high object is seen at a distance of 1 kilometre".
Using the formula Distance in kilometers (D) = (d) dimensions of the object (in meters): (°°) width of the object (expressed in thousandths) a very precise estimate can be obtained.
Let's take an example: with binoculars we observe an enemy truck (which we know is about 10 meters long) and by superimposing the plate on the enemy vehicle we obtain a value of 4 thousandths; the distance of the enemy truck D (in km) is = a 10 (length of the enemy vehicle expressed in m) : 4 (thousandths). You get a value of 2.5: the enemy truck is 2 1/2 kilometers away.
The logo of "La Filotecnica" and "Tipo R.E." are shown on the left eyepiece. The serial number is 66819. The binoculars are in excellent condition, the view is very bright, the prisms in perfect collimation, the focus is precise and smooth. Through the rotation of the mechanism placed on the right eyepiece it is possible to adjust the inclination of the reticle according to one's interpupillary distance.
It comes with its original leather case with carrying strap, benutzer and shoulder strap.

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