Binoculars 8x30 Salmoiraghi with Transparenzbelag - "Regia Marina Jtaliana", circa 1942

Binoculars 8x30 Salmoiraghi with Transparenzbelag - "Regia Marina Jtaliana", circa 1942

Binoculars 8x30, produced by Salmoiraghi in around 1942, to be intended for the observatories of the Royal Navy.

In fact, on the left eyepiece plate there is the military assignment "R. Marina Jtaliana" and the related number "N. XX": it is unusual to find the word "Italiana" written with a "J": this feature is in fact only found in binoculars or terrestrial observation telescopes which were produced by Zeiss and which were part of supply orders requested by the Royal Italian Navy from the German company.

This binoculars is equipped, only the ocular lenses, with the anti-reflection treatment also called "Transparenzbelag", which consists of an anti-reflection coating, developed and patented on November 1, 1935 by Aleksander Smakula and member of the Zeiss staff in Jena since 1934, which improved 80% light transmission in lenses. In fact, this treatment can be found mainly in German binoculars intended for the Kriegsmarine. It is extremely probable that Salmoiraghi was commissioned by the Royal Navy to produce a very limited batch of specimens which were to include this type of feature useful for observation at sea in attenuating glare and reflections.

View is perfectly clear and all mechanisms work correctly.

It comes with its original case which "Regia Marina Jtaliana" written on the lid.

History of the Salmoiraghi Filotecnica:

Salmoiraghi was a company resulting from the experience that Angelo Salmoiraghi acquired, after graduating from the Polytechnic of Milan, in Philotechnics, founded in 1865, under the guidance of the founder Ignazio Porro.

In Philotechnics, Eng. Salmoiraghi held positions of manager until acquiring ownership in 1873, transforming the name into "Salmoiraghi, Rizzi e C." for the production of optical and topographical instruments.

In 1877 the company dissolved and Angelo Salmoiraghi continued the business alone with a new company called Filotecnica Salmoiraghi.

At the end of the century he had excellent collaborations: above all that of Francesco Koristka, improving the offer of optical and precision instruments. Under his guidance the company developed considerably, until it acquired a leading role among the producers of optical and precision instruments, the Regia Aeronautica and the Regia Marina. In Philotechnics, Eng. Salmoiraghi held positions of manager until acquiring ownership in 1873, transforming the name into "Salmoiraghi, Rizzi e C." for the production of optical and topographical instruments.

In 1877 the company dissolved and Angelo Salmoiraghi continued the activity alone with a new company called Filotecnica Salmoiraghi. At the end of the century he had excellent collaborations: above all that of Francesco Koristka, improving the offer of optical and precision instruments. Under his guidance the company developed considerably, to the point of acquiring a leading role among the producers of optical and precision instruments, the Regia Aeronautica and the Regia Marina.

In Philotechnics, Eng. Salmoiraghi held positions of manager until acquiring ownership in 1873, transforming the name into "Salmoiraghi, Rizzi e C." for the production of optical and topographical instruments.

In 1877 the company dissolved and Angelo Salmoiraghi continued the business alone with a new company called Filotecnica Salmoiraghi.

At the end of the century he had excellent collaborations: above all that of Francesco Koristka, improving the offer of optical and precision instruments. Under his guidance the company developed considerably, until it acquired a leading role among the producers of optical and precision instruments, the Regia Aeronautica and the Regia Marina. In Philotechnics, Eng. Salmoiraghi held positions of manager until acquiring ownership in 1873, transforming the name into "Salmoiraghi, Rizzi e C." for the production of optical and topographical instruments.

In 1877 the company dissolved and Angelo Salmoiraghi continued the business alone with a new company called Filotecnica Salmoiraghi. At the end of the century he had excellent collaborations: above all that of Francesco Koristka, improving the offer of optical and precision instruments. Under his guidance the company developed considerably, to the point of acquiring a leading role among the producers of optical and precision instruments, the Regia Aeronautica and the Regia Marina.

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