Doppelfernrohr 10x50 BMJ (Hensoldt Wetzlar) Commander Panzer, circa 1942

Doppelfernrohr 10x50 BMJ (Hensoldt Wetzlar) Commander Panzer, circa 1942

Doppelfernrohr 10x50 produced by BMJ (Hensoldt Wetzlar) around 1942 and created to be specifically supplied to Panzer Commanders in East Africa. On the body of the binoculars there is a "+" symbol relating to the grease used for the mechanisms, which allows them to function up to a temperature of -40°. Next to the + symbol there is the encrypted code of the manufacturer "BMJ" (Hensoldt Wetzlar) with the serial number 13989, while on the opposite side D.F. 10x50 (Doppelfernrohr and 10x50 enlargements). Made entirely of aluminum to be worn around the neck for a long time as there was no way to store it safely inside the passenger compartment.

I want to make a clarification on this model of binoculars, which given its peculiar characteristics, was also adopted by the Commanders of German Submarines (see third to last photo) and by the Commanders of Italian Submarines, during the Second World War, in fact these binoculars are portrayed in two period photos on board the Royal Submarine Ruggero Settimo class Settembrini (see last two photos) and on board a German U-boat (see third to last photo).

The shape of this binoculars, soft and ergonomic, combined with its lightness and its performance, give, looking through them, a very pleasant sensation. The view is very clear and bright. It comes complete with its original leather case.

Hensoldt Wetzlar was a minor company for the production of military and civilian instruments and optics. In 1928 it was acquired by Carl Zeiss and continued to produce optics and instruments in parallel, maintaining its own brand.

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