Doppelfernrohr BINAR 25x100, Meopta (Teplice-CZ), about 1955

Doppelfernrohr BINAR 25x100, Meopta (Teplice-CZ), about 1955

Doppelfernrohr 25x100 model BINAR produced by Meopta, in Teplice in Czechoslovakia, around 1955.
These famous Binar 25x100 binoculars have been created by aesthetically modifying the military model D.F. 25x100 produced by Carl Zeiss and used by the Luftwaffe to aim artillery fire at aerial targets during the Second World War.
The changes made to the 25x100 model consist in the removal of the forehead rest (replaced with bakelite eyepieces), in the removal of the reticle (including its backlighting) and in the insertion of a cover bearing the markings. In peacetime these binoculars were mainly used for observation in aviation, by border guards and for scientific as well as astronomical purposes.
By means of a rotating lever, for observation in bright sunlight, it is possible to insert a "screen" in front of the objectives which reduces the free aperture by half to 50mm. In addition, the rotary knob located near the eyepieces acts as a two-stage brightness adjustment by means of 2 gray filters with different transparency, which can be inserted by turning the knob.
Also, by turning the central knob on the binoculars, we can activate or deactivate the mechanism to block the plate for the relative portable tripod.
This double telescope provides the observer with a very sharp and bright image thanks to the 100mm lenses, the 4mm exit pupil and also to the optical construction quality as well as the anti-reflection layers that allow excellent vision even at dusk. It is also suitable for observing various celestial bodies, for example comets and stars up to the 9th class.
With this model of binoculars, in the state observatory of Skalnaté Pleso (lake located in the north of present-day Slovakia), 4 comets were discovered in two years out of a total of 22 comets discovered throughout the world in that period.
In 1948, the sale price of these binoculars was CZK 9.280, which at the time corresponded to about eleven times the average gross monthly salary (CZK 823).
Among the discoverers of comets using this model of 25x100 Somet Binar binoculars are the Astrologer Ľudmila Pajdušáková discoverer of the comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková, formally indicated 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková and Doctor Vladimir Znojil who participated, in starting in 1956, on nationwide meteor observation and research expeditions.
This Doppelfernrohr is complete with its original portable tripod, astronomical observation tripod and is perfectly fully functional in all its mechanisms. The vision is perfect.

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