Doppelfernrohr, Flakfernrohr D.F. 10x80 (45°) EUG und CXN, about 1936

Doppelfernrohr, Flakfernrohr D.F. 10x80 (45°) EUG und CXN, about 1936

The Flakfernrohr D.F. 10x80 (45°) was mainly used to detect enemy aircraft, but also installed on rangefinders, large signal lights, fire direction instruments, teaching instruments and, as some photos show, also by the Kriegsmarine who installed it on ships and U-boats, given its high reliability, practical to use and with an unparalleled visual performance thanks to the large wide-angle ocular lenses with 8 mm pupil exit and also to the 80 mm objective lenses, achromatic and cemented, which provided the observer with a broad and very bright even at dusk and at night. The very wide field of view is 131m/1000m.

The binoculars, with eyepieces inclined at 45° for easier and more comfortable viewing, have a system of "Schmidt" roof prisms made in a single piece.

The binoculars are equipped with 4 colored filters (Klar, Dunkel, Mittel, Hell) which can be selected using the knob on the left side, while with the one on the right we can adjust the interpupillary distance.

Using the tilt with azimuth scale it is possible to adjust the binoculars vertically up to 90° while using the "Richtkreis" it is possible to rotate them 360°. The reticle is present on the right side of the eyepiece.

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