DUCE Benito Mussolini-Adolf Hitler Teleskop Revolver Carl Zeiss Jena 28x 45x 90x 110

DUCE Benito Mussolini-Adolf Hitler Teleskop Revolver Carl Zeiss Jena 28x 45x 90x 110

Extraordinary and unique Telescope equipped with 28x 45x 90x 110mm revolver eyepieces, and an exclusive protractile system, made by Carl Zeiss Jena "Fuori Catalogo di Produzione", donated to S.E. Benito Mussolini, from Führer Adolf Hitler.
Thanks to the valuable written content reported in an important document sent from Rhodes (Greece) on March 25, 1941 by the Colonel Chief of Staff of the "Armed Forces Command of the Italian Aegean Islands", directed to the "Particular Secretary of the Duce" Osvaldo Sabatini, we came to know that, this Telescope, came to that Command as a gesture of respect, addressed to SE Benito Mussolini, by the Führer Adolf Hitler.
In the writing of the precious document in fact, we read the numerous dispositions of the Chief of Staff by means of which it was made possible, by direct will of S.E. Benito Mussolini, the transfer of the Telescope to his Personal Office in the Sala del Mappamondo, in Palazzo Venezia in Rome.
Otherwise, as imprinted on some photographs of the time, taken inside the Duce's Personnel Office where this Telescope is present, they confirm the certainty of the success of the operation.
The cover photo, shown in the "Zeiss Werkzeitung" magazine of 1941 in fact, shows S.E. Benito Mussolini at the moment when he observes through this Telescope: that photo was taken by the "Fratelli Alinari" of Florence, who certified the shot as performed, on Mount Narta, on March 20, 1941.
The document of the "Armed Forces Command of the Italian Aegean Islands" has been found and preserved, in a commercial envelope headed by the Fratelli Magnetti Company, optical retailers in Turin and Milan.
It is likely that the Magnetti Brothers, after the war ended, took possession of both the Telescope, still preserved in Palazzo Venezia, and the letter previously described. Subsequently, the acquisition deemed it appropriate to carry the mark of their company on the body of the Telescope, in order to link their name to one of the most extraordinary objects produced by Carl Zeiss Jena.
Exceptional and innovative in its mechanical realization thanks to its exclusive protractile system, this portable telescope is the only model made by Carl Zeiss Jena, endowed with this extraordinary characteristic.
The view on every single eyepiece is perfect, extremely sharp and bright thanks to the large lens of the lens. The 90x eyepiece allows the observer a magnificent and detailed terrestrial exploration even at very long distances.
In search of getting as much information as possible about this telescope, we contacted the managers of the Carl Zeiss Optical Museum in Oberkochen in Germany who, with great regret, informed us that this is not possible as no catalog exists in their archives or paper documentation relating to providing answers on this optical instrument, therefore, is to be considered a single piece, therefore "Out of Production Catalog".
Telescope of exceptional historical value, complete with its tripod and original transport cases, fully functional.

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