Prototype 8x30, La Filotecnica Milano, Italian Royal Air Army, about 1923

Prototype 8x30, La Filotecnica Milano, Italian Royal Air Army, about 1923

Prototype of Binoculars produced for the Regia Aeronautica by Salmoiraghi I.A.S. - Filotecnica Milano around 1923.
It is believed that this binoculars were part of a very small batch of prototypes or presentations, made by Salmoiraghi I.A.S. - Filotecnica Milano for the Regia Aeronautica in about 1923.
The binoculars do not have any technical specifications (no serial number or military assignment, no number of magnifications or objective lens diameters), also its apparent magnification is 8x with 30 mm objective lenses.
On the left eyepiece plate there is the crowned eagle of the Regia Aeronautica Italiana with the letters "R." and "A." (precisely Regia Aeronautica), while on the right the "I.A.S." mark adopted by Salmoiraghi Milano in about 1923. The uniqueness of this binoculars also consists in having both marks made with imprinted silver, a detail practically non-existent on all the productions of military binoculars produced by any Italian company until at least 1945.
The hypothesis that Salmoiraghi Milano, at the time of the adoption of its new brand "I.A.S." which occurred in conjunction with the establishment of the newly formed Italian Regia Aeronautica, wanted to produce and present this specific model of binoculars to the top of the aforementioned Ministry with the expectation of subsequently obtaining substantial supplies to be allocated to the various departments.
The binoculars are in excellent condition, the vision is clear and collimated and all mechanisms work correctly. There is also a numbered reticle in the right eyepiece.
Currently we are not aware of any other specimens with these same characteristics.

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