​Selbstfahrlafette Mod. Sf Z F 1 a "CCX" for Sturmpanzer, PAK, Stug, circa 1940

​Selbstfahrlafette Mod. Sf Z F 1 a "CCX" for Sturmpanzer, PAK, Stug, circa 1940

Selbstfahrlafette aiming optics, Mod. "Sf Z F 1 a" marked and produced by the company "CCX" or Optische u. Feinmaschinenwerke, Hugo Meyer & Co., Gorlitz (at the disposal of Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), circa 1939. It was mounted on the 75 mm guns PaK 39 L/48 (PaK standing for Panzerkampfwagen) and KwK 38 and 40 (KwK standing for Kampfwagenkanone - literally "combat vehicle gun"), installed on Panzer tank destroyers, such as: StuG III Ausf G, StuG IV, Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbär", Jadgpanzer 38(t) "Hetzer", Jadgpanzer IV "Panzer IV/70" and 105 mm gun installed on Sturmhaubitze 42 (abbreviation of the full name Sturmgeschütz III für 10,5 cm Stu. Haub. 42).

It was such a versatile and functional optic that it was also installed on 88 mm PaK guns (Panzerabwehrkanone - anti-tank gun) and precisely: the Ferdinand, Elefant, the Nashorn and the Jagdpanther. The optic is assembled in 2 parts: the upper part or turret, in fact, bears the following wordings: Los and Fest (where Los stands for opening/unscrewing and Fest for fixing/closing) and was quickly interchangeable, as, being exposed outside the armored structure, it could suffer damage and had to be able to be interchanged quickly.

An important detail is the serial number of the turret (56147) which differs from the body of the optics (56923), as the production lines of the two pieces did not work in parallel, but were assembled randomly. The manufacturer code "CCX", is shown on the latter. Feinmaschinenwerke, Hugo Meyer & Co., Gorlitz and the acronym "Sf Z F 1 a" "+" where "Sf" stands for "Selbstfahrlafette" or optics mounted on artillery vehicles. Z F 1 a (identifying code for the lens), is not present on the turret, as it is not exclusively specific for this model, but also interchangeable with the Sfl version. Z.f. 1a/1 and the "+" symbol indicates the type of lubrication, used for the mechanical parts, used in relation to the temperatures present in the places of use.

On the left side of the body there is both the attachment for the illuminator and a special regulator which, using a key, regulated the centricity of the reticle. Located on the right side of the lens body there is the fixing plate, while in the center there is the housing for the headrest, a part that is almost never used.

Looking at the optics you notice the unusual triangle reticle (which divided the enemy Panzer into sections, to facilitate shooting). The view is very clear and bright. Optics made with a very robust structure, with Afrika Camouflage color. It was the fundamental optics for shooting tanks. Other manufacturers made this model of optics, for example: "BEH" or Ernst Leitz Wetzlar, much easier to find, or "FWR" Optische Anstalt Sallfeld GmbH, Saalfeld, and more.

The company Optische u. Feinmaschinenwerke, Hugo Meyer & Co., Gorlitz: I am not aware of the date of establishment and the fate that has befallen the company, therefore anyone in possession of certain information relating to this company is kindly requested to communicate it to me, in order to This information is available to all collectors.

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