Telemetric Device Em 0.9 m R. (Raumbild) "blc" (Carl Zeiss) for Panzer, around 1944

Telemetric Device Em 0.9 m R. (Raumbild) "blc" (Carl Zeiss) for Panzer, around 1944

Entfernungsmesser em 0.9 produced by "blc" (Carl Zeiss) in 1944. This telemetric device with tripod equipped with "scissor" openable optical tubes (not to be confused with the most common Scherenfernrohr) was designed to provide the Panzer Commander with far-reaching information on the exact range of long range distances of a target and to give the operator a 3D position relative to what was surrounding him.
In fact, this stereoscopic instrument was realized by providing a three-dimensional vision optics. With the help of this innovative technology, it was possible for the operator (commander) to be able to estimate, judge and calculate distances with reliability, achieving maximum shooting precision, even on targets at very high distances. The reticle, present in the right ocular, provides many details for the stereoscopic evaluation of the target to be hit.
It is mounted on a small and complex stand that allows a circular movement to rotate of 360° with micrometric displacements.

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