Telescope Prism Revolver "Type X" 15-23-30x80, circa 1916

Telescope Prism Revolver "Type X" 15-23-30x80, circa 1916

Revolver Prism Telescope with 3 eyepieces with 15, 23 and 30 magnifications and an 80 mm objective lens. This model was made by Krauss, Colmont, Fournier, Jobin and Zion, all based in Paris.

It features an extendable sun visor and a metal lens cover. In the upper central part of the eyepiece revolver there is a sort of cover on which the name of the company, the serial number and the magnifications on the edge are usually engraved: also on this model there is none of these writings. Known models from other manufacturers are equipped with slightly different eyepiece powers. The "Type V" (according to a War Office manual) had 14x, 21x, 28x specifications, while another model had 12x, 20x, 40x specifications. Given its versatility and optical performance, as evidenced by original period photos, this revolver telescope was also used by other armies (American Army, Romanian Army, etc. etc.).

Excellent state of preservation. There is a reticle with a graduated scale with "+" in the center, suitable for calculating artillery fire.

The revolver and the focus on each individual eyepiece work precisely and the view is exceptional.

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