Telescope Revolver 15-25-35x80, La Filotecnica Milano Eng. Salmoiraghi, Royal Italian Army, 1917

Telescope Revolver 15-25-35x80, La Filotecnica Milano Eng. Salmoiraghi, Royal Italian Army, 1917

Triocular Revolver Telescope produced by "La Filotecnica Milano Ing. Salmoiraghi", in 1917, for the Royal Italian Army and used throughout the First World War. This telescope, completely made of bronze, is equipped with a rotating turret which houses three eyepieces of 15, 25 and 35 magnifications respectively, with an 80 mm objective lens.

The turret, together with the barrel of the rectifier prism (removable), is mounted on a sliding element where there is a micrometric rack through which it is possible to adjust the focus with great precision.

The Telescope, thanks to the notable enlargements provided by its lenses, was used during the First World War in the Alpine outpost observatories and where the Artillery departments of the Royal Italian Army assiduously operated, also for the robustness of the materials used, the construction technique and the excellent optics adopted, allowed its use until the end of the Second World War: in fact, many period photos testify to the presence of this telescope on the fronts of Africa, Greece, Russia, etc.

The vision is clear and sharp and all the mechanisms are perfectly efficient.

Excellent state of conservation.

History of Salmoiraghi:

Salmoiraghi was a company resulting from the experience that Angelo Salmoiraghi acquired, after graduating from the Polytechnic of Milan, in Filotecnica, founded in 1865, under the guidance of the founder Ignazio Porro.

In Filotecnica, Eng. Salmoiraghi held positions of manager until acquiring ownership in 1873, transforming the name into "Salmoiraghi, Rizzi e C." for the production of optical and topographical instruments.

In 1877 the company dissolved and Angelo Salmoiraghi continued the business alone with a new company called Filotecnica Salmoiraghi.

At the end of the century he had excellent collaborations: above all that of Francesco Koristka, improving the offer of optical and precision instruments. Under his guidance the company developed considerably, to the point of acquiring a leading role among the producers of optical and precision instruments, the Italian Royal Air Force and the Royal Italian navy.

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