Zielfernrohr 2,9x Carl Zeiss Wien for Mg. 08/15 and Schwarzlose, about 1917

Zielfernrohr 2,9x Carl Zeiss Wien for Mg. 08/15 and Schwarzlose, about 1917

Zielfernrohr 2,9x, manufactured by Carl Zeiss Wien around 1916, to be installed on the deadly Maschinengewehr Mg Mod. 08/15, Mg-16, Mg-16A and machine guns Schwarzlose Mod. 07/12.
This polyvalent aiming telescopic sight, for precision shooting, made it possible to make precise shots at extremely high distances, especially from positions located at high altitudes and through which it was necessary to observe / control territories far below your shooting position.
In fact, a free-sight shot would not have made it possible to establish whether the area to be rake was immediately correct, running the risk of being discovered and hit by enemy fire.
The telescopic sight made entirely of burnished steel, is equipped with a lateral turret for the micrometric adjustment of the drift, while in the center of the optical tube there is a large micrometric register for the raising of the shot which varies from 100 to 2400 meters, with scale division of 100 meters.
The viewfinder is in like new condition, its original bluing is completely present, the mechanisms are precise and the vision is good. The double-digit XX serial number leads it back to one of the very first productions made.
It comes complete with its original carrying case and reticle lighting device in low light or at night.
Its weight and its very resistant and well made steel structure make it an optic able to withstand the huge recoil forces derived from the powerful ammunition used.

The Zeiss Vienna plant was built and founded in 1916, in the 14th district of Vienna, Penzing located to the west of the city.

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