Zieloptik GUG (Ungarische Optische Werke AG) for Lafette MG42, circa 1944

Zieloptik GUG (Ungarische Optische Werke AG) for Lafette MG42, circa 1944

Zieloptik (Targeting Optics) produced around 1944 by "GUG", code name of the company "Ungarische Optische Werke AG, Budapest, Hungary" (at the disposal of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) installed on the Lafette of the MG42 (Machine Gewehr).

The optic, extremely compact and functional, was designed to comply with the extraordinary ballistic characteristics with which the MG42 was equipped, which had a graduated elevation up to 2000 meters, but the fire could be carried out beyond 3500 meters thanks to the optic, which, equipped with a collimator and micrometric elevator, allowed the machine gunner to raise the lafette to the maximum range and carry out an extremely precise shot thanks also to the particular reticle with which the optic is equipped.

All the mechanisms work perfectly, the micrometric movements are precise and its original Afrika-colored paint is intact, a determining factor in establishing that this scope was used in East Africa by the DAK (Deutsche Afrika Korps) troops.

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