Chronograph Leonidas mod. 1-3054, Italian Royal Air Force, circa 1942

Chronograph Leonidas mod. 1-3054, Italian Royal Air Force, circa 1942

Chronograph Leonidas mod. 1-3054, built entirely in aluminum and Bakelite around 1942, installed on the dashboard of fighter planes such as Reggiane, Caproni and Macchi as well as bombers such as Savoia Marchetti, Fiat P. 08 etc etc.

It is a chronograph of exceptional mechanical and aesthetic quality. It was used to time distances and time the dropping of bombs or torpedoes. The dial is made up of 2 rows of numbers each showing the 12 hours. The external ring, by rotating it manually, allows you to set the time zone quickly and easily.

It is exceptionally preserved thanks also to the presence of the original cardboard box bearing a scroll on the front with the writing: mod. Leonidas chronometer, mat. 1-3054, year VI/1939, ref.2°- pos. 23-39. In fact, this particular cardboard box also bears “Regia Aeronautica” on the lid.

A stamp showing "A" most likely indicates approval for installation on the aircraft.

The Leonidas Company: The company was founded in 1841 by Leonidas Bourquin Julien in Saint-Imier. He built many instruments used in the automotive and aeronautical fields and produced exceptional chronograph and second-counter calibers during the Second World War. In 1964, Leonidas merged with Heuer, which later became Tag-Heuer, with the disappearance of the Leonidas brand.

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