Gyroskop GA VIII for Torpedoboot "Übungstorpedo" G7A, Kriegsmarine, circa 1938

Gyroskop GA VIII for Torpedoboot "Übungstorpedo" G7A, Kriegsmarine, circa 1938

Gyroscope GA VIII installed on T1 torpedoes Model G7A supplied with U-Boot Type IIA, such as U-Boot 1/2/3/4/5/6, manufactured between 1934 and 1935. This gyro, consisting of a Rotating physical device that by virtue of the law of conservation of the angular momentary kept its axis of rotation oriented in a fixed direction, it allowed the torpedo to keep its direction unchanged by acting on the small directional fins.
This torpedo could be set on three types of speed: 30 knots (for a maximum of 12,500 meters), 40 knots (up to 7,500 meters) and 44 knots (maximum 5,000 meters). One of the main defects of the T-1 G7a was the trail visible underwater. This was due to the torpedo steam propelling that made it possible for the target ship to be seen in time by allowing the defensive maneuver, and ultimately to find the direction of the submarine that had launched the torpedo.
All the mechanisms work properly. Great conservation status.

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