ϟϟ Carved Chest "for Newlyweds" with Hitler Mein Kampf, circa 1939

ϟϟ Carved Chest "for Newlyweds" with Hitler Mein Kampf, circa 1939

Wooden chest to contain the "Mein Kampf", this casket, entirely hand-carved, was used in the wedding ceremonies of the ϟϟ, and was supposed to contain a copy of the Mein Kampf that every couple received as a gift.
Inside there is a Mein camp printed in 1939 in which it is located, probably made by its owner, a "frame" in the center of which there is a very rare wedding photo between a ϟϟ Oberscharführer (Marshal) and his bride. This photo was certainly made to be included in the book as it is perfectly coherent to the size of the frame and is made "in the studio".
It is considered one of the rarest and most emblematic objects that can be traced back to ϟϟ. It is also not entirely clear if the wooden casket was in official form at the time of the wedding, or it could be purchased privately as it was for other precious items for exclusive use of the ϟϟ.
What is absolutely certain is the reconductability of the casket at the wedding event as it is present, carved on the edge of the lid, the "Hagal-Rune", the symbol par excellence of the ϟϟ, whose meaning represented the unshakable faith that was expected by all members of the ϟϟ. It was on the ring with the Dead Head and the ceremonial insignia used in the weddings of the ϟϟ, as it remembered the star that constituted the traditional police teaching, was also chosen as the ϟϟ Polizei Division.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to determine who the producer is.
There are very few known original specimens, one of which is the one at number 36 at London's "Imperial War Museum".

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