Carcano 91 Italian Sniper with La Filotecnica Scope, 1917

Carcano 91 Italian Sniper with La Filotecnica Scope, 1917


After many years of careful and scrupulous research, with the aim of shedding light on an extremely fascinating and mysterious topic, today I find myself having the pleasure of sharing, with anyone who wants, the fruits of many efforts.

What I am going to describe belongs, I am sure, to the history of each of us and represents a small but fundamental piece aimed at filling gaps in the history of one of the rarest and most sought after Italian optics of the First World War and beyond.

The topic I am going to talk about fully involves the story of "this deadly eye" which was so dear to our sharpshooters during the First World War.


The “La Filotecnica Milano” telescope, the French models called “Scheibler” and “Amigues” (the APX Model 1916 was also used only by French snipers), were the only 3 significant versions distributed to Italian Sharpshooters during the Great War.

The “La Filotecnica” telescope was also partly the derivative version of the French "Albert Amigues" model.

These are the characteristics of the "La Filotecnica" optics:

- A lockable slider wheel with a special knurled screw allows you to adjust the reticle up to 300 meters.

- The reticle is of the "needle" type.

- The telescope is equipped with 5.5 magnifications.

- Eyepiece diameter 40 mm.

- Output lens diameter 23 mm.

- Total length 28.5 cm.

The "La Filotecnica Milano" telescope, compared to the French "Scheibler" and "Amigues" optics, was significantly improved both in the optical and mechanical parts:

- It was less subject to jams and breakages because the mechanics were made more fluid and precise;

- The spring which was supposed to cushion the recoil given by the recoil of the weapon was eliminated as it proved useless;

- The size was reduced by shortening it by 2 cm;

- It was equipped with a practical quick locking coupling;

- Prime quality lenses were used, as was the tradition of La Filotecnica.

The French soon realized that their riflescope was not adequate for the task entrusted to them.

So, after supplying it to Italy, they first switched to an improved version (with the addition of a large rubber eyepiece and the shortening of the "tube" so that it was brighter), until, towards the end of 1916, they adopted the "Mie. APx", built by the G. Forest company of Paris, which equipped the Lebels.


Below I publish the Carcano rifle mod. 1891, produced by the Arsenale Armi di Terni in 1917, which was intended for the snipers of the Royal Italian Army during the First World War starting from 1917.

This rifle is part of a very limited production (*)belonging to a batch with strictly YN serial numbers included in a range between No. 8000 and No. 9999.

This rifle is equipped with special attachments for attaching a precision telescope produced by "La Filotecnica - Milan", which has approximately 5.5 magnifications and is equipped with an ocular lens with slider ring which, by rotating it, acts on the setting in focus on the target.

These optics, once produced by "La Filotecnica Milano", were sent to the Terni Weapons Factory where specialized technicians provided the micrometric positioning of special attachments on the rifle, which had to compensate for the lack of drift of the optics as, the marksman could only act on the adjustment of the reticle elevation using a special slider wheel on which the various targets are shown.

This rifle is one of 3/4 original examples currently known.

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