Pickelhauben M1895 Prussian Infantry "WATERLOO", circa 1895

Pickelhauben M1895 Prussian Infantry "WATERLOO", circa 1895

Pickelaube or Pickelhauben mod. 1895 "Waterloo" belonged to a Prussian Infantry Officer.

The use of this particular and unobtainable Pickelaube was limited only to the Infantry Regiments 74, 77, 78, 164 and 165, i.e. all those successor regiments of Hanover which had fought against Napoleon at Waterloo on 18 June 1815.

A plaque with the writing "Waterloo" distinguished them from the other Regiments.

The Pickelaube mod. 1895 had a short duration as, in 1916, they were replaced by the "Stahlhelm" or Steel Helmets. This version, also, was worn until the end of the First World War, as a sign of acknowledgment and respect.

Inside the golden scaled wimple there is, in addition to a small buckle, also the perforated strap to securely wear the Pickelaube. The storage conditions are excellent.

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