Polychrome Christ in oak wood, Umbria - 15th century, 1380-1430

Polychrome Christ in oak wood, Umbria - 15th century, 1380-1430

Polychrome Christ in oak wood, Umbria - 15th century, circa 1380-1430.


Height: 62cm

Width: 52cm

Depth: 7 cm


  • St Francis and crucifixion fresco, Eremo delle Carceri, Umbria - 15th century.
  • Christ Crucified, by an unknown artist, fresco, Convent of the Shrine of St Rita of Cascia, Cascia, Umbria - 15th century.
  • Perugia, National Gallery of Umbria: "Head of Christ crowned with thorns", Bonfigliese painter (Master of the Pietà of S. Costanzo?), second half of the 15th century.
  • General Catalog of Cultural Heritage (Umbria) Cascia, Ecclesiastical Property.
  • Grosseto, Archaeological and Art Museum of the Maremma - Carved and Painted Wooden Crucifix - Sienese Sculptor - early 15th century.
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