Binoculars 7x50H SEPTAR Carl Zeiss, Captain Cruiser Canarias, 1939

Binoculars 7x50H SEPTAR Carl Zeiss, Captain Cruiser Canarias, 1939

Binoculars 7x50H SEPTAR model, produced in 1939 by Carl Zeiss Jena, part of a batch of only 230 specimens, indicated in the Zeiss lists reported in Dr. Hans Seeger's book "Militärische Ferngläser und Fernrohre in Heer", as D.F. models. 7x50H and of which only this one, to date, appears to be produced as a SEPTAR model and not a D.F.

It is therefore very probable that these binoculars were produced in conjunction with a commission received by Zeiss from the leaders of the Spanish Navy since, as shown by the plate on the case of the binoculars and a handwritten wording, they were intended for the "Commander "of the cruiser "Canarias", a ship which, in conjunction with the production of binoculars, took part in the Spanish civil war between 1936 and 1939, fighting on the side of the nationalists, participating in the battle of Cape Palos, playing the role of flagship of the Armada and participating alongside the Germans, in May 1941, in the attempt to recover the survivors of the Battleship Bismarck an hour after its sinking.

After careful research it was possible to trace the succession of commanders who, starting from 1937, were in command of the Cruiser Canarias, namely:

from 31 August 1936 - Cruiser Canarias became the Flagship under the command of Captain Francisco Moreno Fernández.

From March 1937 - Captain Salvador Moreno Fernandez, who became Minister of the Navy between 1939 and 1946.

From October 1937 - Frigate Captain Rafael Estrada.

From 1940/41 until 1945 - Captain Benigno González Aller y Acebal.

The binoculars are accompanied by their original leather case, also marked Carl Zeiss Jena, all parts are in perfect working order and the vision is sharp, clear and collimated.

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